Gjoa Haven

his past February I was 'lucky' enough to be sent to Canada's Arctic to document the work of a group of scientists from the Institute of Oceanographic Science with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans…

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Neil Fisher
The Swayze Frog

Everybody knows him. You know, that guy who is endlessly trying to impress the ladies. He’s not one of those jerks wearing nine hundred dollar jeans with an Ed Hardy t-shirt two sizes too small and a trucker hat from Barbie's deluxe mansion…

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Neil Fisher
A Frog Older Than Earth Day

Today, on Earth Day, meet a frog whose root’s go back as far as Pangea (no, not the Avatar planet). A frog that can’t croak and can’t jump properly. A frog belonging to a suborder of ancient frogs whose evolution has been far from normal…

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Neil Fisher
What's A Qikiqtarjuaq?

This summer I was lucky enough to be sent to Canada’s Arctic to film and photograph what ever was encountered. Throughout the trip I did a bit of guest blogging for the Vancouver Sun…

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Neil Fisher
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

So totally on a whim, on Saturday I made the trek to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. To summarize our three hour visit in one word = Awesome… actually let’s make it two words = Freaking Awesome. The first thing I noticed was how stimulated the animals appeared…

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Neil Fisher
Lions Gate Bridge

Imagine this, a bridge with a 25¢ toll!!! Oh, and on top of that, the bridge is built and owned by a beer company. Well it turns out the idea is pretty old and has already been done. Yup, that green Golden Gate look-a-like spanning the Burrard first narrows…

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Neil Fisher
Nine Pin Rock

Originally the rock was known as Nine Pin Rock, as mariners saw a resemblance to a blowing pin. It's also known as Skalsh ( Slah-kay-ulsh ). Legend says indigenous tribes people believed “Q'uas the Transformer” had been sent on a mission worldwide to hear and possibly grant wishes…

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Neil Fisher