Whether battling clouds of mosquitoes on the arctic tundra, staring down frisky bison on the prairies, or waist-deep in a swamp at midnight - it is all in an effort to bring awareness to the scores of vanishing species and fragile ecosystems facing destruction. Here are a handful of photographs that best reflect my work over the past few years.

Whether battling clouds of mosquitoes on the arctic tundra, staring down frisky bison on the prairies, or waist-deep in a swamp at midnight - it is all in an effort to bring awareness to the scores of vanishing species and fragile ecosystems facing destruction. Here are a handful of photographs that best reflect my work over the past few years.
You have already seen my work. I have had footage distributed around the world and aired by major networks, from CBC and Global in Canada, ABC and NBC in the United States, SF Television in Switzerland, BBC, UK Channel 5 and Fance5. I have worked with numerous camera platforms, not limited to Arri Amira, Canon Cinema EOS , Panasonic VariCam, Red Digital Cinema and Sony CineAlta.

My imagery aims to bring awareness to the many forms of life that are rapidly being pushed aside. Canada is home to a multitude of diverse and rich ecosystems, but the impact humans are having on these shared environments has meant far too many species are disappearing at alarming rates. By capturing a vanishing landscape or fleeting species and sharing their story, I hope to spark curiosity in others and create a shared interest.
I have worked in Australia, the Arctic, the Prairies, and some of the most remote stretches of Canada’s West Coast. I have crawled through the scat of a hundred sea lions, had frostbite blacken my fingers and nose, been swept off of rocks by unassuming waves, and sat amongst ten thousand snakes - all in the pursuit of capturing imagery and telling the stories that deserve to be told.
Comments, questions, just want to say hello? I'm all for sharing and helping others develop, if there's something here you've seen and would like to know how it was done - just ask.
1-306-850-1339 | Vancouver, Canada
© 2023 Neil Fisher